
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Confederate Flag Take Away Project

Confederate Flag Take Away Project

Mid 2015

The rebel flag is a sign of hate. No mater what it means personally, there's no way around it. It's now being used as a rallying call to other like minded individuals. That's not good. These types of activities can spawn a civil war. So I have been thinking outside the box a little, and have come up with an idea. Take the flag away, and claim it. What I mean is, take the flag, give it a different meaning completely. Say this flag represents our over coming of slavery. Put it on urban clothing. Make it into a hip-hop design. Put some Rasta init. This can go in a thousand directions. Structure it around the minority. Make the other side hate their own flag. Just flat out take it away, and make it your own.

Early 2018

I wrote the above blog back in mid-2015, and today nothing has changed. If anything its worse. If we think Conservatives will change on there own, we have lost "our" minds. We have to find different ways of changing the system. African Americans took the N-word away from racist and claimed it. So too should the confederate flag. It should be taken away, and the meaning changed.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Verlon's Hypothesis on Gravity

The Verlon's Hypothesis on Gravity

Mid 2015

I believes the earth's center is made of an element we have never seen before. This is because every large ball of matter (planets, moons, suns) has this element hidden deep in its center. This element is magnetic to all matter in the universe. The element creates gravity. If we were to extract this material, it would pull all objects to it. The Earth's core is this matter. Black holes are the results of this material at its rawest state in massive amount. As more matter is collected, a planet is formed.

Verlon's Hypothesis of Human Existence

Human Existence

The biggest question we have as human’s other than where we go when we die is where we come from. The hypothesis in this book is nearly impossible to prove, but let’s offer up a different scenario than what we currently believe about where we come from. There are two popular beliefs about our existence. The first and really quite a bit far fetched is the belief that God and/or gods created humans (Adam and Eve). If we dive into this possibility, and put ourselves in the place of a person who has never heard of gods or spirits we can see how truly ridiculous the thought is. The second is a more believable thought because of the evidence and research done in places like the Galapagos Island. This is where Charles Darwin studied the beaks of finches. Many believe that evolution transformed humans as we are today from single celled organisms. Of course, there’s the not so popular belief that alien life somehow creating us from splicing alien and ape chromosomes. This is still more believable than an invisible being creating us from nothing. We know its highly likely that there is life in Universe, and we know animals have the ability to be extremely intelligent (Humans).  Let’s for the sake of this hypothesis say we are those aliens, but we didn’t come from outside of our galaxy. That we came here using space flight, and that we’re just as intelligent then as we are now. Maybe we didn’t splice our genes, and maybe apes are like us because we brought them here. Or maybe life no matter what planet follow the laws. Just like rocks and matter in our galaxy can be found in other galaxies millions of light years away. 


The idea of humans being as intelligent as we are now many years ago makes sense when we look at the Ancient Greeks. They were extremely intelligent, and they lived over 2500 years ago. A ton of our language, science, and beliefs came from Ancient Greeks. Their buildings like the Ancient Egyptians were amazing considering we has now heavy equipment. The Ancient Aztecs mathematical genius. How long would it have taken for humans to become this intelligent? By the time the humans from antiquity where on the scene, the way we arrived on earth was long forgotten.

Evolution may truly be what makes us who we are, but I’m not convinced that it all took place on Earth. Why are we so much further advanced? It’s almost as if we had a huge (I mean huge) head start. It’s almost as if we evolved into the beings we are today entirely on a different planet way before we got to earth.

Here is how the hypothesis is laid out. Many years ago, the earth was in orbit at a distance too far from the sun to sustain life. This would be similar to where Mars is today. No atmosphere, extreme temperatures, and a lack of oxygen and/or water. The sun’s gravity pulls on the planets in our solar system. Venus at the time was in the right location to sustain life. I like to call this the sweet spot. Venus was once our Earth. There's a reason humans are so much more advanced than the rest of the animals on this planet. I can’t help but believe it’s because we have existed longer than any other species currently on earth.

Humans don't seem to be from Earth. We are the only animals that are unable to simply drink straight from streams and standing water and we must cook our food to avoid many types of sickness. No other animal has this issue. We change to adapt to these types of issues, yet humans have not. In this case we never adapted. There are augments that say we caused this by cooking our food. Well why did we begin cooking our food in the first place, and what about the different tribes all over the planet that still live as they did thousands of years ago, but still have cook their food and water.

Humans, like all other life forms have patterns. Sleep wake patterns, migratory patterns just to name two. Salmon swim back to their place of birth year in and year out. Whales follow magnetic fields as they travel the globe on routes that have been followed from many years. Every animal follows some form of patterns. All based on instinct. Humans are no different. In small populations we group and work together. Even humans that have never been around other population still group together, and follow the same patterns. It’s in our nature. This can be seen as far back as the Sumerians. We search for new things to discover and new ways of sustaining life. We travel, and we learn. As our populations grow, we put our thoughts together and become even smarter as a group. Not that our brains get bigger and that makes us smarter, but the collected knowledge of lessons learned is documented and used for the betterment of the group. As technology advances, we learn to document our learning. We even go as far as learning to communicate across the planet we occupy, and even from one planet to the next. This is illustrated with our current ability to communicate with rovers roaming and flying over distant planets.

We see our world around us and are curious about it. We want to understand every detail. As we go through this cycle, we become more and more advanced. Each short-lived life of billions of humans learn, collect what is learned, and pass this learning on to the next generation. As technology allows for a collection of learning, our learning is accelerated. We then develop artificial brains (computers) that multiply that learning again. This explains why we have advanced so much in just the last 100 years. Our advances allowed us to eventually leave the planet we currently live on and previously occupied. First with global flights, and then to the next planet. This hypothesis is meant to illustrate how the constant human pattern has played out repeatedly. Humans have followed this pattern before. We have been an advanced population before. So did we travel here from Venus?

If we did in fact travel to Earth from Venus, the question then becomes, how did we lose our technology and collected learning for so many years? The answer may never be known, but we can hypothesize again that we traveled to Earth with a group of humans to save our species, or our curiosity brought us here. That small group may or may not have been supported by the same technology when it arrived. It could have landed on a planet that may have been violently dangerous. Venus’s large population that supported material needs was left behind. There may have even been a moment in time when the two plants coexisted. Perhaps Venus was hit by an asteroid around the same time Earth was, and this killed the planet. Maybe this is what caused the new humans on Earth to be set back so many years. Ancient relics from all over the world show flying objects. This could be the documents illustrating how we got here. Atlantis may have even been where humans first landed. There quit possibly be technology deep in the Atlantic Sea. Technology we have yet to understand. This could explain events that happen in the Bermuda Triangle.

We always question why humans evolved, but many apes didn’t. This may be because apes are in a earlier stage of evolution. Perhaps by the time earth is ready to die from the Suns heat, they will have evolved into humans. Perhaps Mars will naturally become Earth like, and spawn many animals that too look and act much like the animals we see today. After millions of years of evolution. Its just cycles that continue to evolve. Maybe the different races are just other humans like the apes that are simply in a different stage of evolution. Maybe one of the races started on Mercury, and one from a planet before that, and maybe one originated from Venus at the start. Each new race evolved and coexisted. The truth is we don’t know, but we can speculate. Maybe apes and other animals were carried here like the story of the ark.

Imagine flying to another planet after leaving earth. We talk about Mars now and the difficulties of living there. The new plant has no humans, farms, restaurants, mining equipment, schools, computers, workforce, nothing. In the case of Mars, no oxygen or water. Your only priority on day one, is to survive. Year one may be filled with moments of near death. Hunger, animal attacks, disease, weather, etc., and that’s the best-case scenario assuming there was oxygen and water on Earth when we first arrived. Which questions humans involvement in adding these elements through some sort of intervention. Year after year the old technologies that got humans to this new planet have been forgotten and only become folk lore in such small populations. How long would it take a group of 10 or even a thousand humans to become 300 billion? With multiple races? The number is staggering I’m sure. Perhaps humans made our atmosphere before ever traveling to earth? This small group would have the same issues we have today. Disagreements and fights. Splits in the group. Explores would leave the group never to be heard from. These groups find new lands and start new families. The cycle continues on the natural cycle until, here we are again. Again, I mention cycles. We as humans follow cycles. If we were to land on Mars and thrive, we would follow this same pattern again until we eventually decide to make another jump to perhaps even to a different galaxy. Who knows, the humans on Venus may have even traveled further. There may be other humans in different parts of the universe. The process of becomes quicker as we continue to evolve. Therefore, Mars is not quite ready for us yet. If we can save us from ourselves long enough, Mars will be lush and habitable once it reaches the “sweet spot”, or we figure out how to make it livable.

The sweet spot is a region around the sun that allows a planet to develop life. Was the Earth just entering the sweet spot as it entered the ice age? Our planet is now getting hotter. This is due to our location to the sun (and damage caused by humans). If we want to see if life existed in places other than Earth, we should not be looking on Mars we should be looking on Venus (if it’s not too damaged from the Sun). Mars is our future. Venus was our past. Venus is closer to Earth than Mars, and is similar in size. At its furthest point, it’s about 162 million miles away. At its closest, it’s about 24 million miles away. This means that the planets are elliptically orbiting. It takes the planets about 584 days to be at their closest. Let’s not let this confuse us. As we (the Planets) get closer to the Sun. The orbits get tighter, and so does the distances between planets. And the orbit becomes more circular. So, the next question is, “how wide is the sweet spot”? Well I would say that’s complicated. The earth is 91 million miles for the sun in January and 94 million miles in July. Seems odd right? Why is the earth colder when the earth is further away? Well it’s not. It’s just that the earth is tilting. If you lived in Australia in the winter, you would feel differently about the question. But this illustrates how big the sweet spot really is, and how hard it is to figure out. The earth moves about 3 million miles in one year to and from the Sun. Yet life thrives. Now let’s say life on Venus is right on the edge of dying from heat. The sun is burning hot year-round. Humans have developed ways to survive, but they know they have to get off Venus soon. They see earth and know that it’s the only hope. At the same time Venus is dying, the Earth is still frozen, but is starting to show seasons and some melting. Of course, this is all speculation. Now we know that the Sun changes its intensity, but we will not get into that here. Variables are all over the place. Remember that this is only a hypothesis. It’s meant to drive science to a theory. Now, both planets are in the sweet spot, but just barely. Each are on the opposite ends of the sweet spot. Humans make a few trips to earth. They may even figure out ways to communicate back and forth to Venus. Maybe in ways we don’t yet understand. Or maybe it was a last-minute ditch effort, and left Venus just before it burned. We don’t know. Today we are amazed by the structures and the intelligence of the past humans. Humans figure out ways, and we always do. Then there’s the pyramids, and ancient structures we still can’t seem to understand how we actually built, and this shows our intelligence.

The question we really have today is, when will Mars reach the sweet spot, and when will we make our next move? I don’t know when, but I know we will. Will we create an atmosphere? Time will only tell.

Humans put life on a datum. Everything has a starting point. They say life started at this point or that point. I would rather say life is a cycle of waves that has no start or stop. Life and the existence of all things have always been. Matter just changes shape over time. If the Universe collapses, it will only expand again. The cycle continues over and over again. In patterns. The cycle of human’s life, may be the same cycle that has existed for trillions of years (or more). Humans may have inhabited Mercury prior to Venus. There may be other life forms in other galaxies living in cycles. It's perfect, all of it.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The "N" Word Dilemma

The "N" Word Dilemma


Early 2015

There has been a lot of talk lately on the news about the use of the "N" word. Some believe it should be unused/restricted by all, some believe it's acceptable for only African Americans to use it, and some think the use of it is acceptable by all. I believe part of the reason this argument has gone on for so long, is that all side of the conversion lack empathy for the other. The hateful use of the word is inappropriate and hurtful to many (even of to other races). The use of the word as a slang keeps the word alive, and has created an odd form of reverse decimation. African Americans says you’re not allowed to use that word. This is understandable, but it’s also morally wrong to think it’s acceptable to twist the meaning of a word, use it yourself, and dare another race to use it. It adds a double standard and helps to create a divided. We have come too far as Americans, and have made too much progress on our journey to eliminate racism to allow this one word to help put a road block in the way of progress. It creates barrier between people. This is something we must eliminate completely. We should look at this word as the enemy of freedom. As long as we allow this word to be spoken, we will never be allowed to move forward. We know it exist, and we know its history. 

Moving forward, I challenge you to show the rest of the world that you are against racism. If you hear any use the word, point them out publicly. Tell them "using the N word makes you a racist no matter what race you are". No matter what race, stop using this evil word. African Americans, please realize that not all Caucasians are racist, and that non of them were slave owners. To have hate for Caucasians as a group makes you just as guilty of racism. We can't move forward like that.

Human rights first.